
How Many Species Of Animals Have Gone Extinct In The Last 10 Years

If yous've ever met a birder or ornithologist, you lot've probably heard of the elusive (and hotly debated) ivory-billed woodpecker. Later on years of searching for signs of the "holy grail" of birds, the US Fish and Wildlife Service (FSW) declared it officially extinct in September.

The ivory-billed woodpecker is one of 22 species of birds, fish, mussels, and bats (and i species of found) that were declared extinct in the US in 2021. The announcement contains the largest grouping of animals and plants to exist moved from the endangered to extinct list under the 1973 Endangered Species Human activity (ESA). Since its passing, but 11 species listed in the human activity take e'er been classified as extinct.

This sweeping declaration is a ruddy alert for conservation and biodiversity — simply it comes every bit no surprise. For years now, we've experienced massive losses in biodiversity due to climate alter, disease, pollution, invasive species, and loss of habitat equally a result of agriculture and industrialization.

A 2019 Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services from the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) examined the main causes of biodiversity change and loss.

The report, which UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay said put the world "on notice," found that man activities "threaten more species now than ever before" and that the global rate of species extinction is already "at least tens to hundreds of times college than it has averaged over the by x million years."

Around the globe, an estimated 1 in 4 species of plants and animal groups are vulnerable, which means about i million species are facing extinction, some within decades.

The 23 species declared extinct by the FSW this twelvemonth may also come with little surprise. Some species have been assumed extinct for decades, with their last sightings dating as far dorsum equally 1899. While the search for some might be over, the fight to preserve their habitats and the habitats of those still endangered should carry on.

"The loss of species, ecosystems, and genetic multifariousness is already a global and generational threat to human being well-being," said Sir Robert Watson, former chair of the IPBES. "Protecting the invaluable contributions of nature to people will be the defining challenge of decades to come. Policies, efforts, and deportment — at every level — will only succeed, however, when based on the all-time knowledge and evidence."

Here are the 22 animals in the United states of america that were alleged extinct in 2021 — and how we should have activity at present to protect biodiversity.

1. Kaua'i 'o'o

The but manner to hear the Kaua'i 'o'o sing now is through recordings. The bird, once native to the Hawaiian islands, was terminal seen in 1987 and listed as endangered by the FWS in 1967. At least 32 species of birds native to Hawai'i have gone extinct since 1778. Islands are particularly vulnerable to species loss due to their isolation. The introduction of strange diseases, rodents such every bit rats and mongooses, and cats play a large part in the loss of species.

2. Maui 'ākepa

The Maui 'ākepa was a Hawaiian honeycreeper whose last confirmed sighting was in 1970. Over 50 species of honeycreepers used to live in Hawai'i; now there are only 17 species left. Of the 23 plant and fauna species being added to the extinct listing this twelvemonth, xi are from Pacific islands, Guam and mostly Hawai'i.

3. Kaua'i nukupu'u

The last credible sighting of the Kaua'i nukupu'u was in 1899, and it'southward believed to have gone extinct in 1901 due to avian affliction and habitat loss. Mosquitoes brought on ships were introduced to the Hawaiian islands in the 1800s and spread diseases to birds.

4. Ivory-Billed Woodpecker

Birders and conservationists have debated the presence of the ivory-billed woodpecker, which once roamed the woodlands of the southern U.s., for decades. The last confirmed sighting was in Louisiana in 1944. Since then, declared sightings accept been of hot debate amidst ornithologists and the latest proclamation of extinction has its dissenters. It'due south prophylactic to say that for some, the hunt is not over. Only for the FWS, the famous and long-sought "Lord God Bird" is gone for proficient.

5. Little Mariana Fruit Bat

The little Mariana fruit bat was last seen in Guam in 1968 and was declared endangered in 1984. It's likely that poaching, habitat loss, and predation past the invasive brown tree ophidian led to its extinction.

6. Bachman's Warbler

Bachman'south warbler, a yellow-breasted songbird that used to live in the southeastern US and Republic of cuba, was alleged endangered in 1967 and the concluding unconfirmed sighting was in Florida in 1977. Deforestation, country-clearing, and hurricanes may take wiped out Bachman's warbler, which was once the rarest songbird in the Usa, for good.

7. Flat Pigtoe Mussel

Mussels provide filtration to h2o systems and play integral roles in ecosystems — of the 22 animals existence declared extinct this year, 8 are freshwater mussels. The flat pigtoe mussel was last detected in the Tombigbee River in Mississippi, where over 40 species of freshwater mussels accept been identified. The construction of the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway is the chief factor of the mussels' disappearance. Physical destruction of habitats during building, increased sedimentation, and reduced water menses suffocated the flat pigtoe out of existence. The flat pigtoe mussel has not been collected live since the completion of the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway in 1984.

8. Bridled White-Eye

The bridled white-eye, native to Guam, was last observed in 1983 and listed as endangered in 1984. Based on the available evidence, information technology'southward assumed that the brown tree serpent is responsible for the bird'southward extinction.

nine. Kaua'i akialoa

The Kaua'i akialoa, a honeycreeper native to Hawai'i, was concluding seen in 1969 and presumed extinct in 1984. Avian disease is assumed to exist the chief driver of its extinction.

10. San Marcos Gambusia

Like many other species on this list, these tiny fish were endemic to their area and were only found in the San Marcos River in Texas. The San Marcos gambusia was listed every bit endangered in 1980 and was last seen in the wild in 1983. The population of San Marcos gambusia was significantly decreased by pollution, farming, drought, and a cumulative effect of human activities. Extensive efforts were fabricated through the 1970s to breed the fish through captivity but the fish hybridized leaving no pure species offspring. Attempts to locate the fish since have been unsuccessful.

11. Southern Acornshell Mussel

The southern acornshell, a mussel one time found in the upper Coosa River system in Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee, was listed as endangered in 1993 — but the last known specimens were collected in the early 1970s. Habitat modification such as immigration, sand and gravel mining, waterflow disruption, and asphyxiation from agricultural runoff all factored into the southern acornshell's extinction.

12. Po'ouili

The Po'ouili of East Maui was the nigh endangered grouping of forest birds in Hawai'i and was but discovered in 1973. In 1981, it was estimated that the Po'ouili population consisted of just about 150 birds; in 2003, only three were known to yet exist in beingness. Many efforts to protect the Po'ouili and other Hawaiian birds have taken place since 1999, only even last-ditch mating efforts failed and the two last birds were seen in 2004. Like other native Hawaiian birds, the Po'ouili is causeless to have been driven to extinction past disease, habitat loss, and introduced predators.

13. Yellowish Blossom Pearly Mussel

The yellowish bloom pearly mussel was once found in the rivers of Tennessee and Alabama. Information technology was listed as endangered in 1976 and was last collected alive in 1967. The yellow flower was driven to extinction past impoundments for overflowing command, barge canals, pollution, and other homo-related changes to its habitat.

14. Scioto Madtom

The Scioto madtom, believed to be endemic to the Scioto River Basin in Ohio, was listed every bit endangered in 1975 and last collected in 1957. Merely eighteen specimens of this bottom-feeding fish have e'er been collected. Its population and original habitat have been profoundly reduced by pollution and strong flooding, which have practically wiped out the entire expanse in which they once lived.

15. Moloka'i Creeper

Owned to Hawai'i, the Molokai creeper was listed as endangered in 1970 and many efforts to protect the bird and its habitat have taken place since. The creeper was common in 1907 but faced the threat of extinction past the 1930s. The terminal sighting of this ruby-red shaded bird was in 1963. Like other extinct species in Hawai'i, loss of habitat, avian affliction, and invasive predation led to its disappearance.

sixteen. Stirrupshell Mussel

The stirrupshell mussel, which once lived in Alabama and Mississippi, was declared endangered in 1987 and was last detected alive in 1978. Dead specimens were observed in 1986. Like the flat pigtoe, alterations to the stirrupshell'southward habitat collection the mussel to extinction.

17. Tubercled-Blossom Pearly Mussel

Once abundant in the eastern U.s. and southern Ontario, the tubercled-flower was listed as endangered in 1976 and due to habitat amending, the final individual was establish freshly dead in 1969.

18. Large Kaua'i Thrush (Kamao Thrush)

The large Kaua'i thrush was listed as endangered in 1970 and by that time only had a population of 337. Due to its small population size and threats of avian affliction, predation, and habitat loss, the last credible sighting of the thrush occured in 1987.

nineteen. Upland Combshell Mussel

Due to habitat modification, water quality degradation, and sedimentation, the upland combshell mussel was declared endangered in 1993. Once found in the rivers of Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee, the upland combshell has not been detected for over 3 decades; the concluding known individuals were collected in the late 1980s.

twenty. Green-Blossom Pearly Mussel

The green-plossom pearly mussel was one time found in the streams of Virginia and Tennessee and was listed equally endangered in 1976. The mussel was always extremely rare and believed to take had a lifespan of up to 50 years. Due to significant alterations to its habitat, the final known detection of the species alive was in 1982.

21. Turgid-Blossom Pearly Mussel

The turgid-blossom pearly mussel, listed every bit endangered in 1976, was once found in the rivers and streams of Alabama and Tennessee. The concluding known sighting of the mussel was of a freshly dead specimen, collected in 1972. Like the other at present-extinct mussels in this list, the turgid-flower pearly mussel was driven to extinction by habitat alterations and pollution.

22. Maui Nukupu'u

The Maui nukupu'u was a Hawaiian honeycreeper that was listed as endangered in 1970. Endemic to the island of Maui, the Maui nukupu'u was estimated to take a population of 28 in 1980. The last sighting of the olive green and yellow bird occurred in 1996, falling victim to the same fate of the multitude of Hawaiian birds that accept gone extinct since foreigners stepped foot on the islands.

BONUS: Phyllostegia glabra var. lanaiensis

Phyllostegia glabra var. lanaiensis is non an animal — it's the only establish of the 23 species that were declared extinct this twelvemonth. A perennial herb found on the island of Lānaʻi in Hawai'i, Phyllostegia glabra var. lanaiensis was a flowering mint that was listed every bit endangered in 1991, although its last known sighting was in 1914. Its extinction is due to the introduction of ecosystem-altering invasive plants, habitat loss, and feral herbivores.

What tin can we do to protect endangered species and biodiversity?

It all boils downward to climate action. Climate change and deforestation are causing massive losses of habitats, changing migration patterns, and affecting reproduction. Not to mention that our global food demand directly threatens important ecosystems.

Then how can we assistance? Nosotros tin can start past reducing our individual carbon footprints, eating less meat, and advocating for modify. Y'all can also expect into conservation organizations to donate or abet with. Cheque out this listing of conservation groups here. The National Audubon Society likewise has a dedicated page for ways to assist endangered birds.

Indigenous and local peoples are responsible for protecting lxxx% of the world'south biodiversity, even so are often underrepresented or excluded from the climate action decision-making table. Uplifting their voices and centering their causes is one fashion we can assist protect Native rights and biodiversity.

Invasive species are a major threat to endangered wildlife. When introduced to new environments, alien predators consume eggs reducing native animal populations and some species of plants suffocate native plants and cut them off from sunlight with their shay leaves. According to a written report from Frontiers in Ecology and the Environs, invasive species take contributed to 25% of plant extinctions and 33% of animal extinctions. When yous travel, bank check for stowaways — they often come in the form of seeds and spores. The FWS has guides for dog owners, gardeners, hunters, and boaters for what you should practice when you spot an invasive species. Become familiar with the endangered animals and invaders around you lot and help local conservation efforts past doing simple things like keeping your true cat indoors or planting native species in your garden or around your neighborhood.

"With climate change and natural expanse loss pushing more and more species to the brink, at present is the time to lift up proactive, collaborative, and innovative efforts to save America's wildlife," US Interior Secretary Deb Haaland told CNN.

The ESA has saved 291 species in the U.s.a. since 1973, so it is entirely possible to forbid a species from going extinct before it's too late.

"Extinction, especially in the United states, is preventable," said Teirra Curry, a conservation biologist at the Center for Biological Diversity.

Only for now, we mourn the losses of 2021 with the hope that we will protect the 1 million species around the world fighting for survival.


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