
What Ssb Filter Is For Sub Side Of Ft-101d?

NW2M Presents:
The Yaesu FT-101 HF Transceiver Home Folio

Yaesu Logo

FT-101 Complete Station


The purpose of this website is to capture and document the Yaesu FT-101 series radios during the early 1970's. It has taken me 12 years to collect a transceiver and every accessory to brand a "complete station". I encourage your feedback, corrections, and additions. The objective of this website is to document the Yaesu FT-101 era and to provide a detailed understanding so that the value of this equipment can be realized.
Cheers, Al-NW2M

FT-101 Spider web Folio
FT-101 History
FT-101 Model Numbers
Concrete Structure
Advertised Features
General Specifications
A "Complete" Station
Station Accessories
Melody-up Procedures
Known Modifications
6JS6C Tubes
Basic Alignment Points
QST / 73 / CQ
  AM Operation
 Weights and Shipping
 Repair Facilities
Original Prices
  Mobile Operations
  Play tricks-Tango Newsletters
About the Author - NW2M

A Brief History of the FT-101 Transceiver

The FT-101 series of transceivers first appeared internationally in 1970 and so domestically inside the Usa in January 1971. Information technology gained overnight approving of apprentice radio operators for its quality of signal, flexibility and for professional person attention to workmanship and blueprint. The modular blueprint of x solid state excursion boards on a mutual chassis with a tube amplifier caught the centre of discriminating hams worldwide.

It was a strong performer. Although far from perfect, the first FT-101's suffered from intermod when strong signals were present during receive and generated spurs on transmit. Hams began to investigate these problems and offer improvements to existing circuit pattern. The factory responded with a major modification which significantly improved the receiver of the early on FT-101's. The series number revealed which transceiver was "early" and "belatedly". Then that the "early on" FT-101 hams would not feel obsolete, Yaesu offered the entire modification which made an "early" into a "belatedly" and sold it as a kit along with a 25 folio educational activity guide. Problems began equally many hams lacked the proper test equipment and the know-how needed to make such an upgrade. Afterwards months of fighting with customers, Yaesu withdrew the kit (MIR-1 Modification Kit) and would just install information technology at their manufacturing plant. Adding to the confusion was the fact that in that location were 5 (5) different sub-models within the "early on" FT-101 serial, the terminal being the FT-101 "late" model. The state of affairs arose where identical FT-101 radios saturday side by side with the only indication of the internal layout was by the serial number.

Additional improvements were made and with the addition of the 160 meter band, the FT-101B was released. Yet more improvements and the addition of a real "RF" spoken communication processor led to the release of the FT-101E model. The "Due east" model was fully refined with all of the previous problems having been worked out. This was the most popular and the most produced model by Yaesu in the FT-101 series. Three models of the "E" were released. The "E" model with all options, an "EE" (economy) model defective the speech processor, and the "EX" (farthermost economy) model lacking spoken language processor, 160M crystal, DC options, and microphone. Last in the series was the "F" model which contained all of the modifications, improvements and options throughout the series. Only a few of the "F" models were fabricated which also included an "Fe" (economy) and "FX" (farthermost economy) model. With vehement competition in the HF market place, WARC bands on the horizon, IF shift, AF Notch/Summit, and digital readouts, the FT-101 series moved quickly to the analog "Z" model and and then to the digital "ZD" models. The original FT-101 series lasted for vi years, beginning in early 1971 and lasting through 1977. It was an exciting fourth dimension for the FT-101 radios and their owners.

There were no "A", "C", or "D" models produced.

The FT-101 get-go appeared in the Jan 1971 outcome of QST (page 147) sponsored by Spectronics. Information technology would become a familiar full-page advertisement that would be used several times by Spectronics Inc as part of their global advertising campaign. It set into motion a new moving ridge of radios and ushered in an heady time for amateurs worldwide! Each was hand-made by skilled workers with the utmost of pride. Each was unique.

A publication called the Fob-Tango Newsletter captured the "diary" of the FT-101s for all fourth dimension. 10 publications per year offered thousands of FT-101 owners the opportunity to share issues, solutions, and performance data. The Play tricks-Tango Newsletters lasted for 14 years. Information technology is the largest collection of user information and factory support information for any radio at any fourth dimension. It has been preserved and full copies are still bachelor today. Truly a attestation to the era and popularity of these radios, even today. Hither is a link to the Pull a fast one on-Tango Newsletter folio.


Before we go any further, it is paramount that yous empathise that high voltages exist within these radios, cables, and accessories. Safety is first and foremost! The FT-101 radios and accessories accept voltages which include: 100V, 117V, 240V, +150V, +300V, and +600V. These voltages exit the radio and appear on interface cables. At that place are no warnings! Within the high ability FL2100 amplifier, in that location is a +2,600 Volt power supply! Within the YO-100 oscilloscope is a +1,300 Volt power supply and a cathode ray tube (CRT). Special tools are required when working on these radios, accessories, and interface cables. Professional person repair and service are highly recommended. The post-obit information is presented solely for informational purposes and historical reference.

What'southward in the Proper name ?

There are many models which proudly display the FT-101 logo. Please be sure that you lot know which model y'all have, know its operating capabilities, and limitations. Normally, the


the model number is, the


capabilities it has for that model. The last 5 digits represent the serial number. Whatsoever series number prefix is for factory control and routing. Buyers and sellers of the original models needed to know the serial number to finalize any deal. Here is the complete list:

FT-101 - "Early" model
1971, get-go offering in United States.
Serial numbers below 25,000.
Known for strong receiver overload, TX spurs, and sound problems.
lxxx-10 meter transceiver.
FT-101 - "Late" Model
Serial numbers above 25,000.
Major modifications to receiver, Regulator, IF and audio boards.
80-10 meter transceiver.
There were five FT-101 sub-models known: (based upon MK-160 160 Meter kit data)
  • Mark 0: Serial numbers 06000 and below. First "Early" models during 1970.
  • Mark 0A: Serial numbers 06001 to 07991. Transitional.
  • Marker I: Serial numbers 08001 to 23999. Most common "Early on" model.
  • Marker II: Serial numbers 24000 to 24999. Transitional models with 160M tank circuit.
  • Mark IIA: Serial numbers 25000 and upwards. Get-go "Late" Models.
Beware: Early and Late model circuit boards may not exist fully interchangeable!
FT-101B - "Early" Model
Serial numbers below 6,000.
Improved IF (PB1183B) and Audio (PB1315), and Blanker (PB1292) boards.
160-10 meter transceiver.
FT-101B - "Tardily" Model
Serial numbers 6,001 and up.
Improved Regulator (PB1314A), IF (PB1180B), and Audio (PB1315A) boards.
160-10 meter transceiver.
Special FT-101B model for Japan Market.
Unmarried 6JS6C tube, 50 watt output.
160-x meter transceiver.
RF Speech Processor.
Three sub-models:
"Early" - S/Northward 15,000 and lower. (PB1494) Processor
"Mid" - S/N fifteen,001-20,500. (PB1534) Processor
"Tardily" - S/N 20,501 and up. (PB1534A) Processor, (PB1547A) Regulator, (PB1183C) IF, (PB1315B) Sound, (PB1582) Blanker.
Economy FT-101E model.
All FT-101E specifications except,
No Speech processor (available as an option).
Extreme Economy FT-101E model.
All FT-101E specifications except,
No Speech Processor (available as an option).
No DC Converter for Mobile use (available as an option).
No Microphone, DC string, or 160M crystal, 10A crystal only.
Special FT-101E model for Japan Marketplace.
Single 6JS6C tube, 50 watt output.
Latest in the FT-101 serial. All updates applied.
160-ten meter transceiver. 11 meters as AUX position.
Improved (PB1582) Dissonance Blanker.
Speech communication Processor and DC Converter.
Economy FT-101F model.
All FT-101F specifications except,
No Voice communication Processor (bachelor as an choice).
Extreme Economy FT-101F Model.
All FT-101F specifications except,
No Speech communication Processor (bachelor equally an option).
No DC Converter for Mobile use (available every bit an option).
No Microphone, DC cord, or 160M crystal, 10A crystal only.

In that location were no "A", "C", or "D" models ever produced.

FT-101 Lath Complement by Model Number
FT-101 Version
FT-101 (Early on)
S/N 25,000&Downwardly
Part of
FT-101 (Late)
S/N 25,001&Up
FT-101B (Early on)
S/N 6,000&Down
FT-101B (Late)
S/N 6,000&Up
FT-101E/EE/EX (Early)
S/N fifteen,000&Down
FT-101E/EE/EX (Mid)
South/N 15,000-20,000
FT-101E/EE/EX (Late)
S/Northward xx,001&Up
FT-101F/Iron/FX (All)
Due south/N All Numbers

Why and then many sub-models?
FLASHBACK - In 1971, there were 250,000 licenses hams, First Class stamps were 8 cents; Minimum Wage was i.60 per hour; 8-Track tapes were at their sales peak; Bill Gates was a junior in loftier schoolhouse; the original IBM PC was notwithstanding 10 years abroad; Linus Torvalds (Creator of Linux) was two years old; a new Chevy Corvette cost $5,500 dollars; gas prices were 36 cents per gallon; and Atari was 10 months abroad from releasing "Pong". $500-$550 was a lot of money for a new ham radio. Numerically, the FT-101 was 1/10th the toll of a 1971 Corvette! The Consumer Price Index (CPI) was 40, today it is 340. Today'south equivalent value of a $550 radio is $4,700. Additionally, Novices only had CW privileges on certain bands- and so a microphone, the Speach Processor, 160M crystal and the 10B/C/D crystals, etc were simply excess cost drivers on an expensive radio. As the Novice upgraded, these could be purchased to match the operating capabilities permitted by their license grade. In 1972, the FCC immune Novices to operate a transmitter controlled past a VFO. Ironically, a Novice could not operate a FT-101 with the VFO. Fixed crystals were needed! How times have changed!


The FT-101 is a hybrid radio that employs a solid state transmitter, receiver, and a two-tube power amplifier. The solid state features of the radio offer high-performance, low-noise, and depression-current characteristics, while the tube power amplifier provides a nearly "bullet-proof" transmitter and tuner phase.

The tube amplifier consists of a 12BY7A pre-commuter stage that feeds a pair of 6JS6C tubes providing a nominal output power of 130 watts PEP SSB, 90 watts CW, 30 watts AM. The 6JS6C tubes are matched to 50 Ohms through a conventional pi-output network. The pi-network transforms the 5500 ohm output impedance of the tubes to a 50 Ohm feed system, provides harmonic attenuation, and can really match to a diversity of output impedances from 25 to 100 Ohms with ease.

The transceivers were made with plug-in boards which could exist sent to the manufactory for replacement or repair. This modular design was unprecedented in the apprentice community, which explains why so many FT-101'south are even so in utilize today. In fact, board extenders could be purchased to extend any lath above the main chassis for measurement, alignment, and repair. For any plug-in board, all voltages, grounds, and signal traces were routed through a single edge connector (facing downward into the main chassis). This removed the need for wires and cables to these circuit boards. This yielded a clean and trim internal upper chassis. The bulk of the wiring harness is beneath the deck of the main chassis where all main circuit board border connectors are fed. Yes, there are many wires!

FT-101 Block Diagram 54k

FT-101 Superlative Chassis Photograph 106k

FT-101 Bottom Chassis Photo 91k

The most complicated device in this radio is the Band Selector Switch. This is a 12-position rotary switch that runs from the front of the radio to the back. Information technology has xiii sections (wafers A thru M) which road everything from DC voltages, oscillator sections, crystals, tuning circuits, and RF Ability in the high-voltage tank and output circuits. One ring selector switch position is used for: 160M, 80M, 40M, 20M, 15M, 10A, 10B, 10C, 10D, 11M or AUX, and WWV receive-only. Each position allows the chief VFO to encompass 500kHz on any band.

The entire transceiver was made of metallic. Covers, chassis, shields, shafts, etc., are all metallic. Even the plastic RF/S-meter trim and knobs take contumely metal inserts. At 35 pounds, there is a lot of metal in this radio! The x major circuit boards are mounted with threaded hardware to the main chassis. Very rugged indeed. A clear plastic sheet covers the entire painted surface of the faceplate. A well-cared-for FT-101 will still have this articulate plastic front end. Years later, vendors offered plastic covers to further protect your FT-101 radio and accessories.

Because critical circuit designs were kept to a manageable size, hams had no problem in offering circuit changes, isolating and repairing problems. This knowledge base was so agile that in January 1972, Milton Lowens WA2AOQ, founded the International Flim-flam Tango Guild and the Fob Tango Newsletter. The Trick Tango Newsletters were published for xiv years roofing the early FT-101'south thru the latest Yaesu Transceivers in 1985. By then, surface mountain engineering science and circuit complication outpaced many ham'southward ability to maintain this level of equipment. In doing so, new chapters in excursion densities, solid country transmitters, and LSI chips were born, which airtight the door (and the covers) to many radios forever.

FT-101 Advertised Features

  • Congenital-in AC and DC power supplies.
  • True RF Spoken language Processor.
  • Solid country VFO, 1kHz resolution.
  • Modulation modes - USB, LSB, CW, AM.
  • Built-in, adjustable, Phonation.
  • Adjustable CW Side tone.
  • Selectable 25kHz and 100kHz calibrator/marker.
  • RIT control +/- 5kHz range.
  • WWV reception for time and fine frequency scale.
  • Built-in speaker.
  • Viii pole SSB filter. AM or CW filter optional.
  • Complete line of station accessories providing 160M thru 2M coverage.

Full general FT-101 Specifications

Frequency Range:  3.five-30 MHz*   (fourscore/xl/20/xv/10 meters)                   27.0-27.five MHz (eleven/AUX)                   10.0-10.5 MHz (WWV receive simply)                   * 160 meters included with B/Due east/F Serial Modes:            USB, LSB, CW, AM  Power Input:      SSB 260 watts PEP DC Input (130 watts output)                   CW 180 watts PEP DC Input  ( 90 watts output)                   AM eighty watts PEP DC Input   ( 40 watts output) TX Freq Response: 300 Hz - 2700 Hz RX Freq Response: 300 Hz - 2400 Hz Standard Yaesu SSB Filter                   500 Hz           Optional Yaesu CW Filter Optional Filters: 300 Hz - 1800 Hz SSB Narrow(Trick Tango Filter)                   250 Hz           CW Narrow (Play tricks Tango Filter) Audio Output:     three watts AC Power:         Rx 35 watts, Tx 300 watts DC Ability:         Rx 0.5 amps, Tx twenty.0 amps Weight:           35 lbs Size:             six"h x 13-i/2"w x 11-1/2"d            

A "Complete" Station

Arguments arise when hams talk virtually a "complete" FT-101 station. Allow's set the tape straight. Based upon the Yaesu Service Manual "Accessories", a complete FT-101 station volition have the following:

  • FT-101 Transceiver or FL-101/FR-101 Twins
  • FV-101 Remote VFO
  • FL-2100 Linear Amplifier
  • SP-101PB Phone Patch with Speaker or SP-101 Speaker-only
  • YO-100 or YO-101 Monitor Scope
  • YC-601 or YC-601B Digital Brandish Unit of measurement
  • FTV-250 two Meter Transverter
  • FTV-650 6 Meter Transverter
  • YP-150 Dummy Load / Watt Meter
  • YD-844 Dynamic Desk-bound Microphone
  • QTR-24 World Clock

This rounds out the field, and is supported in the Yaesu Manuals and advertising in QST. There may be other items made by Yaesu during this period, but no mention is made in any of the FT-101 service manuals or documentation. Yaesu Service Manual pages one-31 thru i-39 embrace the above items as Accessories. Options included: CW Filter, Fan, Mobile Mounting Bracket, etc.

Station Accessories

Yaesu made an entire suite of accessories to complement whatever FT-101 operator'south station. Each accessory has been thoroughly crafted and integrated to extend any operating capability. Calculation station accessories allows complete ring coverage from 160 meters on HF through 2 meters (USB, LSB,CW, AM). Here is a list of each accessory, description, and specifications.
FL-2100B/F/Z Linear Amplifier
| FL-2100 Hook-up diagram | FL-2100 Schematic A | FL-2100 Schematic B | FL-2100 Transformer Wiring |
The FL-2100B/F/Z is a conservatively rated matching amplifier for the FT-101 series. The amplifier features two rugged 572B carbon plate tubes in a Class B grounded-grid circuit with individually tuned input coils for each band. The FL-2100B/F/Z operates with dual cooling fans and a solid state power supply. Dual interlocks offer rubber and shock protection. An automatic changeover circuit biases the tube to cutting-off on receive to maximize tube life and minimize rut. A bifilar wound, ferrite chokes ensure minimum RF transfer to the ability source. Conservatively rated at 1200 watts PEP input power on fourscore through 10 meters. Dual illuminated forepart panel meters provide continuous monitoring of plate current, voltage, relative output, and SWR. A "standby" switch allows the amplifier to be bypassed with primary power enabled and tubes fully heated for operation. Connections to the FT-101 transceiver include TX/RX relay control and ALC control voltages. Such control lines are typical for all FT-101 accessories. At that place were three FL2100 models produced: FL2100B, FL2100F, and FL2100Z. The FL2100 B and F models cover 80-ten meters, the Z model includes 160 and WARC bands.
FL-2000B/F/Z Specifications:
Frequency Range*: 3.5-4 MHz, seven.0-seven.5 MHz, 14.0-14.five MHz, 21.0-21.5 MHz, 28.0-29.9 MHz.
* The FL2100Z covers 160 Meter Band ane.8-2.0 MHz, 18 MHz, and 24 MHz WARC bands.
Plate Input Power: 1200 watts PEP on SSB, 800 watts on CW, and 600 watts AM.
Drive Requirements: xxx to 100 watts.
Input Impedance: 50 Ohms, unbalanced.
Output Impedance: 50 Ohms, unbalanced, SWR less than 2:1.
Distortion Products: -30dB at 1200 watts input.
Noise Level: forty dB below single tone carrier.
Circuitry: A pair of 572B in grounded grid, class B.
Warm-upward: Less than 10-seconds.
Power Requirements: 100/110/117 VAC at 18 amps. 200/220/234 VAC at 9 amps.
Size: 6"h ten 13-1/2"due west x 11-1/2"d
Weight: 41 lbs

FV-101B External VFO
Adding the FV-101B External VFO to your station opens up a new world of operating flexibility. DX'ers volition actually appreciate this combination. The FV-101B features the aforementioned factory sealed, solid state, 1kHz resolution, VFO that is found inside the FT-101 transceiver. This flexibility allows for "split" operation for separate transmit and receive frequencies in whatever ring. Regardless of VFO mode, the exact transmit and receive frequency are available for the Digital Display (YC-601 or DD-1) unit of measurement. Please note that whatever frequency split up occurs within the same ring. The Remote VFO does non offer cross-band functioning. Four VFO modes are supported:

  1. Transmit and Receive from Main VFO (normal way)
  2. Transmit from Master VFO, Receive from Remote VFO
  3. Transmit from Remote VFO, Receive from Main VFO
  4. Transmit and Receive from Remote VFO
FV-101B Specifications:
Frequency Range: 8.7 to 9.2 MHz (500kHz tuning range)
Frequency Stability: Within 100 Hz in whatever 30 minute period subsequently warm-up
Power Source: Remote VFO Connection on the rear of the FT-101 transceiver
Size: half dozen"h x viii-1/4"w x 11-1/4"d
Weight: 7-one/ii lbs

YO-100 / YO-101 Monitor Telescopic
| YO-100 Schematic A | YO-100 Schematic B |
Adding the YO-100 Monitor Scope allows you lot to monitor and adjust your transmitter for the cleanest signal possible. Compatible with nigh any transmitter or transceiver, the Station Monitor features a wide range of inputs for all style monitoring, even RTTY. A congenital-in 1500 Hz and 1900 Hz tone generators adds to the versatility of this accessory. The two-tone generator generates the proper sound signals to perform "trapezoidal" pattern testing for transmitter linearity. A full complement of front controls allows operator control of all key adjustments. The YO-101 is a solid land version of the YO-100.

YO-100 / YO-101 Monitor Scope Specifications:

Vertical Trace Performance
Sensitivity: 200 mV P-P/cm
Frequency Response: Direct 10Hz to 60MHz
Horizontal Trace Performance
Sensitivity: 300 mV/cm
Frequency Response: 10Hz to 16kHz
Sweep Frequency: 10 Hz to x kHz
Two-Tone Generator Performance
Frequency: 1500 Hz and 1900 Hz, Independently selectable
Output Level: l mV
Power Requirements: 100/110/117/200/220/234 VAC l/60 Hz
Size: six"h x 8-1/4"due west x 11"d
Weight: 13 lbs
YD-844 Dynamic Base Microphone
| YD-844 Hookup |

The YD-844 is an bonny and functional necessity for serious base-station operation. The unit is made of heavy cast metal which rests solidly at your operating position. The microphone element is dynamic (vocalism-coil) and is balanced (output levels and impedances) for use with the FT-101 transceiver. Two PPT (push to talk) buttons are available on the YD-844 microphone. 1 button is a momentary-switch which must be depressed to activate the PTT relay, the second button has a lock feature which allows easily-free operating (while still transmitting via PTT). The microphone element is always connected to the FT-101 and then that Voice operations are available without depressing any microphone PTT buttons. The FT-101 transceiver has three transmit options: ane-MOX (Manually Operated transmitter), 2-PPT (Push button To Talk), and 3-Vocalism (Phonation Operated Transmitter). These three options are available on the front panel of the FT-101 Transceiver via toggle switch. The YD-844 is available in both high and low impedances. The microphone cord is a 3' coiled, four usher (one shielded) cablevision terminating into a 4-pin female connector.

YD-844 Specifications:
Impedance: 500 Ohms at 1kHz, or 50k Ohms at 1kHz
Output: 50mV nominal
Frequency Response: 50Hz-10kHz nominal
Directivity: Uni-directional
Size: 9"h x 3"westward x 6"d
Weight: 1-3/4 lbs
QTR-24 Earth Clock
The QTR-24 Globe Clock is a 12 and 24 hr format clock. The standard clock movement (hours, minutes, seconds) is represented in a classical 12-hour format. An outer band depicts time in a 24-hour format. The first 12 hours are shown in white to depict daylight and the other 12 hours in black depict dark. The outer-well-nigh perimeter of the clock face has the names of 70 major cities throughout the world in each of the 24 global fourth dimension zones. As the 24-hour ring passes a group of cities, you tin can easily see their UTC and a twenty-four hour period/nighttime indication. The QTR-24 has 3 adjustments on the rear. 1 for time (basic movement adjustments), one for the 24-60 minutes ring, and one for fine-time aligning. The QTR-24 can be adapted to be accurate within �10 seconds per month.

The electric current name and format for world time is called Universal Time Coordinate (UTC). It has also been known over the past years as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), and the military term ZULU (Z). World time is represented in a 24-hour format based upon the global starting indicate in Greenwich, England (Britain). The UTC time standard does not conform for Daylight Savings Fourth dimension.

Accurate time reception tin be found past tuning to WWV/WWVH (10.000MHz) or CHU (7.335) on the FT-101 transceiver. Alternate HF/shortwave frequencies for WWV/WWVH are 2.500, five.000, 10.000, 15.000, and xx.000 MHz. All time formats are AM broadcasts. The WWV (male person voice) originates from Ft. Collins, Colorado (USA). The WWVH (female vox) originates from Kauai, Hawaii (U.s.a.). The ultra-high accuracy of the WWV 10.000MHz signal is also used to calibrate the FT-101 internal marker located on the Regulator Board (TCone). Radio station CHU in Ottawa, Ontario (Canada) can be found on 3.330, 7.335, and 14.670 MHz.

Setting upwards your QTR-24 Clock. Using the cyberspace, go to, set your QTR-24 clock to your local time (rear knob aligning), and rotate the white 24-hr bezel ring (rear knob adjustment) so that the elevation agrees with the 24-hour value for London/Greenwich Time. Come across the image of the QTR-24 which depicts a local time of 08:38:45am local, and a GMT time between thirteen and 14 hours. Additionally, my time zone is the same as New York. The 24-hour bezel depicts between 8am and 9am (in white) UTC. The QRT-24 is properly fix.

Allow the QTR-24 to run for a few days. The speed of the clock may be adjusted via apartment bract screwdriver. Clockwise one tick mark to accelerate the device five-seconds per 24-hour interval, Counter-Clockwise to retard the clock v-seconds per twenty-four hours.

QTR-24 Specifications:
Time Format: 12 and 24 hr formats
Accuracy: Continuously adjustable, �10 sec/month, nominal
Power: 1.5V, single C-jail cell battery, replace yearly
Internal Movement: Oscillating bound wheel
External Movement: Hours, minutes, seconds, 24 hour ring 24-hour interval/night indication
Construction: Blackness plastic frame, drinking glass face with chrome trim
Mounting: Wall mount or desktop with tilt-bail
Size: vi" diameter, 2-1/2" deep
Weight: 1 lb
YP-150 Dummy Load / Watt Meter
| YP-150 Schematic |

The YP-150 is a 50 Ohm dummy load with a congenital-in RF watt meter. This unit provides a 50 Ohm resistive load to whatever transmitter operating from 1.8Mhz thru 200MHz. A single PL-259 plug on the rear panel provides the unbalanced input to this unit of measurement. The YP-150 is powered past a 117V AC source to run an internal cooling fan to remove heat from the 50 Ohm non-inductive load. Although YP-150 is powered, the front panel meter is not illuminated. A four-position switch allows authentic RF ability measurements from 0-half dozen watts, 0-30 watts, and 0-150 watts. The fourth position is the OFF position which removes power to the fan and disconnects the power measuring unit. The YP-601 tin can be operated without Air-conditioning power, but this practise is not recommended, as excessive estrus can damage the resistive load. There is no provision for an RF "bypass", therefore this unit is best suited for bench testing and alignment procedures.

YP-150 Specifications:
Frequency Range: 1.8MHz to 200MHz
Power Scales: 0-half-dozen watts, 0-30 watts, 0-150 watts
SWR: Less than 1.2:1 at 145MHz
Accuracy: Ameliorate than 10% of maximum scale
Meter: Logarithmic calibration, non-illuminated
Connection: Single PL-259, unbalanced
Power: 117V AC for internal cooling fan
Size: half-dozen"h x four-i/2"w x 11"d
Weight: 7.0 lbs
SP-101 External Speaker and SP-101PB External Speaker and Phone Patch
| SP-101PB Hook-up diagram | SP-101SP Schematic |
The Yaesu SP-101 and SP-101PB provide audio fidelity that is unmatched by the internal speakers constitute in almost conventional HF transceivers. Although all of the FT-101 serial of transceivers accept internal speakers (some early radios did NOT take speakers!), the SP-101 External Speaker provides an audio fidelity and presence which cannot be matched with a small-scale 3" internal speaker. The SP-101 internal speaker uses the entire speaker enclosure to produce pleasing tonal qualities needed for the reception of rich AM, abrupt SSB, and narrow CW. There are no audio filters in the SP-101 to change the audio properties originating from the FT-101. Connectedness to the SP-101 is with shielded RCA connectors. Information technology is strongly suggested that pocket-size bore coax or highly shielded audio be used to ensure shielding from the transceiver to the remote speaker. The SP (speaker output) jack on the FT-101 has some RF suppression, and is one of the commencement places to expect for feedback and hum especially at kW levels during transmit.

The SP-101PB contains all of the splendid audio properties and characteristics equally the SP-101 speaker-just model with the addition of a hybrid telephone-patch excursion. This circuit allows the FT-101 transceiver to be interconnected to your telephone circuit to allow phone calls to be placed with over-the-air stations. The SP-101PB has two level controls to ensure proper sound levels are presented to the telephone lines. A built-in VU-meter is used monitor the phone-input levels. Connection to the phone line is via (2-wire) twisted pair (ordinarily ruddy and green wires).

Note: When using the phone patch, you are engaging in third-party traffic in which you are the command operator. The U.s.a. does non have 100% 3rd-political party traffic agreements with all countries. Example: I was unable to make a phone patch for a ham on a small sailboat on vacation in the Bahamas/C6 to their parents living 3 miles from my house! The U.s.a. does non have 3rd-party traffic agreements with the Bahama islands. Beware!

SP-101 and SP-101PB Specifications:
Speaker Impedance: 4 Ohms
Speaker Size: 4" 10 half dozen"
Sound Power: 3 Watts RMS
Patch Input: 4 Ohms, 600 Ohms (RCA, Shielded)
Patch Output: 600 Ohms, 50K Ohms (RCA, Shielded)
Telephone Connection: Unshielded Twisted-Pair (UTP), Red-Green or Blackness-Yellow pairs
Patch Performance: 300-4000Hz, 600 Ohms balanced, complies with FCC Part 68.
Size: 6"h ten viii-1/4"w x xi-one/iv"d
Weight: 13-1/4 lbs
YC-601 Digital Display
| YC-601 Hookup Diagram |

The YC-601 is a 6-digit frequency display- not a frequency counter. It was not until the later on release of the YC-601B that the unit actually performed real frequency counting thru 35 MHz. The YC-601 base unit would simply measure the 500kHz sweep of the internal VFO (8700kHz - 9200kHz) and brandish the 100kHz, 10kHz, 1kHz, and 100Hz of the tuned VFO frequency. The MHz portion of the brandish was but a diode matrix that the user had to select via front panel. This is why you see a band selector on the forepart. There was also a 4kHz shift between USB and LSB as the FT-101 had this corporeality of oscillator start within the unit of measurement betwixt modes. The YC-601 had green display tubes. The YC-601B had ruby display tubes, and the tell-tale front BNC input connector. A pop equivalent for the Yaesu YC-601 was the DD-1 fabricated past Spectronics Inc. Both were functionally equivalent and shared a similar paint scheme and look and experience.

YC-601 Specifications:
Display: one.5MHz - xxx.0 MHz
YC-601    Input Frequency: 8700 kHz - 9200 kHz
YC-601B Input Frequency: 8700 kHz - 9200 kHz & 35MHz Counter
Digits: Six (6)
Bands: 160M,80M,40M,30M/10MHz,20M,15M,11M,10M
Ability: 110VAC - 240VAC, internally ready
Size: 3-1/4"h ten 8-3/four"due west ten 9-1/4"d
Weight: v lbs

FTV-250 ii Meter Transverter
| FTV-250 Hookup Diagram |

The FTV-250 is a 100% solid land 2M transverter designed to exist used with any of the FT-101 HF transceivers to extend its operating capability to include the 2M amateur ring. The FTV-250 "transverts" signals to/from the 144-146 MHz or 146-148 MHz frequency segments to the FT-101'south 10M band (A, B, C, D positions). This amount of translation is required as the 2M ring is four MHz broad, and any band on the FT-101 is merely 500 kHz (0.5 MHz) wide.

The iv (four) 10M ring positions on the FT-101 (A,B,C,D) and the ii (two) 2M band positions on the FTV-250 yield viii (8) segments of 500 kHz, equaling 4 MHz full spectrum (144 Mhz - 148 MHz). Both units have to be tuned simultaneously for maximum performance. The FTV-250 achieves this broad 4MHz tuning by employing varactor tuning diodes. These diodes modify capacitance by varying the voltage across them. This is the purpose of the TUNE knob on the FTV-250. This voltage-tuned RF circuitry was unprecedented in the Amateur marketplace and is an example of Yaesu's commitment to operation and reliability.

The FTV-250 has a self-contained power supply providing all of the internal voltages required for high performance operation. There is a 2-stage RF Power Amplifier which provides approximately 12 watts PEP RF output (20W DC input) in linear service. Users plant this ability level bonny as many external amplifiers were available (10W in, 160W out), with and without low-noise pre-amps.

Interconnection to the FTV-250 transverter is done thru a serial of cables. These cables provide signaling and control between the units. Please note that the voltages which appear on the interface cable include: 12.6V, 100V, +150V, +300V, and +600V! Ever ensure that the FTV-250 interface cable is is perfect condition due to the loftier voltages present. Shielded coax provides low-level 10M RF (28MHz - 30Mhz) signals required for the 2M/10M translation. When the FTV-250 2M transverter is turned ON, it cuts the filament voltage to the FT-101's 100W Power Amplifier and then that information technology cannot be energized. The FTV-250 transverter has the extra connectors on the back to add the FTV-650 6M transverter. The 2M and 6M transverters can be daisy-chained together. Therefore, the FTV-250 can serve as the center-unit, while the FTV-650 is an end-unit only. Do non lose or misplace the FT-101 ACC Plug!

The 10M-2M frequency translation is every bit follows: Supposed you desire to QSO on the 144.200 USB National Calling frequency in the United states of america. This frequency is in the lesser 500 kHz segment of the 2M band. The FT-101 is set to 10A and the main VFO is tuned to 28.200 MHz. The FTV-250 is gear up to 144-146. The resulting 28.200 USB signal is linearly translated to 144.200 MHz. Upon receive, the 144.200 MHz is linearly translated dorsum to 28.200 MHz. Metering on both units allow alignment within ten seconds. In one case aligned, e.g. 144.200 USB, you can easily move � 50kHz (100kHz total) without re-adjustment. Perfect for calling CQ, rag-chewing, or contesting.

FM and Repeater operation: The FT-101 does not have FM as an operating mode. The modes available are: AM, USB, LSB, and CW. Therefore, it cannot transceive FM signals, then FM performance is moot. Additionally, repeater performance uses a 600 kHz frequency offset, while the FT-101 simply has a 500 kHz per band segment. Therefore, repeater performance is non possible even with the Yaesu Remote VFO (FV-101B).

FTV-250 Specifications:
Frequency Range: 144.0-146.0 MHz, 146.0-148.0 MHz
Intermediate Frequency: 28.0 MHz - 30.0 MHz
Sensitivity: Amend than 0.5uV for 20 dB SNR SSB
Modes: USB, LSB, CW, AM
RF Power Output: 12W PEP , 20W DC Input
Connection: Single PL-259, unbalanced
Power: 100-240VAC 50/60Hz, [email protected]
Size: half dozen"h x four-1/2"due west 10 11"d
Weight: 7.0 lbs

FTV-650 vi Meter Transverter
| FTV-650 Hook-up diagram | FTV-650 Schematic A | FTV-650 Schematic B |
The FTV-650 is a hybrid 6M transverter designed to be used with any of the FT-101 HF transceivers to extend its operating capability to include the 6M apprentice band. The FTV-650 "transverts" signals to/from the 50-52 MHz or 52-54 MHz frequency segments to the FT-101's 10M band (A, B, C, D positions). This corporeality of translation is required as the 6M band is iv MHz wide, and any ring on the FT-101 is just 500 kHz (0.5 MHz) wide.

The 4 (4) 10M band positions on the FT-101 (A,B,C,D) and the two (2) 6M ring positions on the FTV-650 yield eight (8) segments of 500 kHz, equaling 4 MHz full spectrum (l Mhz - 54 MHz). Both units have to exist tuned simultaneously for maximum performance.

The FTV-650 has no internal ability supply. All required voltages come from the fastened FT-101 host. Please note that the voltages which announced on the interface cable include: 12.6V, 100V, +150V, +300V, and +600V! Ever ensure that the FTV-650 interface cablevision is is perfect condition due to the loftier voltages present. If the FT-101 is powered on, these voltages are nowadays!

The FTV-650 employs a unmarried tube RF Ability Amplifier (6146B/S2001) which provides approximately 25 watts PEP RF output in linear service. Users have found this power level attractive for barefoot operation every bit well equally with an external amplifier.

Interconnection to the FTV-650 transverter is washed thru a serial of cables. These cables provide voltages and control betwixt the units. Shielded coax provides low-level 10M RF (28MHz - 30Mhz) signals required for the 6M/10M translation. When the FTV-650 6M transverter is turned ON, it cuts the 12.half-dozen filament voltage to the FT-101's 100W Ability Amplifier so that it cannot be energized. The FTV-250 2M and FTV-650 6M transverters can be daisy-chained together. The FTV-250 can serve as a eye-unit, while the FTV-650 is an terminate-unit only. Do not lose or misplace the FT-101 ACC Plug!

The 10M-6M frequency translation is as follows: Supposed you lot desire to QSO on the 50.125 USB National Calling frequency in the USA. This frequency is in the bottom 500 kHz segment of the 6M band. The FT-101 is ready to 10A and the primary VFO is tuned to 28.125 MHz. The FTV-650 is set to 50-52 MHz. The resulting 28.125 USB signal is linearly translated to 50.125 MHz. Upon receive, the l.125 MHz is linearly translated dorsum to 28.125 MHz. Metering on both units allow alignment within 10 seconds. Once aligned, eastward.g. 50.125 USB, you lot can hands motility �50kHz (100kHz total) without re-adjustment. Perfect for calling CQ, rag-chewing, or battling.

FM and Repeater operation: The FT-101 does not have FM as an operating mode. The modes available are: AM, USB, LSB, and CW. Therefore, it cannot transceive FM signals, so FM performance is moot. Additionally, 6M repeater operation typically use a 1MHz frequency offset, while the FT-101 simply has a 500 kHz per band segment. Therefore, repeater operation is not possible even with the Yaesu Remote VFO (FV-101B).

FTV-650 Specifications:
Frequency Range: l.0-52.0 MHz, 52.0-54.0 MHz
Intermediate Frequency: 28.0 MHz - 30.0 MHz
Sensitivity: Ameliorate than 0.5uV for ten dB SNR SSB
Modes: USB, LSB, CW, AM
RF Power Output: 25W PEP, 50W DC Input
Tubes: Unmarried 12BY7A (pre-driver), Single 6146B/S2001 (PA)
Connection: Single PL-259, unbalanced
Power: Provided by FT-101 (12.6V, 100V, +150V, +300V, and +600V)
Size: 6"h x 4-ane/2"w x 11"d
Weight: 7.0 lbs

MMB-one Mobile Mounting Bracket
| Image | Assembly Instructions |
The MMB-ane Mobile Mounting Bracket was a manufacturing plant accompaniment for the FT-101 series radios. Information technology was a sturdy steel tray designed to hold a FT-101 securely for mobile operation. The MMB-ane straddled the transmission "hump" constitute in cars during the period. The tray has four detents to accept the four feet found on the bottom of the FT-101 transceiver. A strap secured the transceiver to the tray. The simply change required to the FT-101 during mobile operation using DC electrical power was the adjustment of the tube bias to 60ma idle current.

Yaesu advertisements in QST hinted at mobile and portable operation, just never a clear photo of how to exercise it or prove one in actual performance. The vehicle in the advertisement appears to be a 1972 Country Rover Series-3. There is no front seat room in this vehicle to mount a FT-101 on the "hump". The practically of mounting a 30+ lbs radio in a vehicle is nil. Therefore, the idea of mobile operation was short lived. Here is an instance from 1967 in a 1967 Dodge Sprint. Five years afterward, hump-mountain mobile operation was almost incommunicable to do. Eye consoles , heat ducts, and vehicle accessories consumed this space forever. The MMB-1 may be the rarest of all FT-101 parts/accessories in the FT-101 lineup. So few were ever made, the practicality was nada, and twoscore years accept passed. The associates instructions higher up are the but known re-create to exist- including the typographical error.

MMB-ane Specifications:
Size: 3/four"h x 13-1/2"w x eleven-1/2"d
Weight: 3 lbs
Surface: 18 approximate, unpainted steel
Support: 35 lbs max

FT-101 Original Prices

So how much did it cost? Here are some prices from QST during the 1970's for each of the FT-101 transceivers and associated accessories. It is hard to accurately depict prices for each and every month spanning nine+ years. Even with this data, in that location are dealers offering close-out prices which can be $100-$125 under other dealers who wish to go on selling the product line. In some cases the "list" prices are advertised with the note to "phone call for best price", making it extremely difficult to accurately gauge exact prices. Prices marked with an asterisk (*) denote a shut out toll or inventory reducing price. Usually prices will vary only a few dollars between dealers in the same issue. More sources and lists will follow- as I observe the QST bug for the 1970's.
            Item               Price Price Price Price Toll Price Toll Price Price Price  Model            Description           Q3/71 Q3/72 Q3/73 Q3/74 Q3/75 Q3/76 Q3/77 Q3/78 Q3/79 Q3/80 ---------|-----------------------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| FRdx400    80M-10M All Tube Receiver     $359              $339 FRdx400SD  80M-10M+6M+2M All Tube Receiver                 $399 FLdx400    80M-10M All Tube Transmitter  $299 FRdx401    80M-10M All Tube Receiver                        FLdx401    80M-10M All Tube Transmitter           FTdx401B   80M-10M All Tube Transceiver                    $599       FTdx560    80M-10M All Tube Transceiver  $450      FTdx570    80M-10M All Tube Transceiver        $550   FL2000     80M-10M Linear for dx Series  $299              $339 FT-101     80M-10M Transceiver           $499  $560     FT-101B   160M-10M Transceiver                         FT-101E   160M-10M Transceiver                             $649              $729  $799  $695*  FT-101EE  160M-10M Transceiver                                               $649  $759   FT-101EX  160M-10M Transceiver                                               $589  $699 FT-101ES  160M-10M Transceiver(50 watt version for Nippon market) FT-101F   160M-10M Transceiver                                                     $799 FT-101FE  160M-10M Transceiver                                                     $759  FT-101FX  160M-10M Transceiver                                                     $699 FT-101Z   160M-10M Transceiver                                                     $749        $599* FT-101ZD  160M-10M Digital Transceiver                                                   $895  $749 FT-101ZD  160M-10M Digital Transceiver (WARC)                                                  $799 FT-901D   160M-10M Digital Transceiver (WARC)                                     $1299 FT-901DE  160M-10M Digital Transceiver (WARC)                                     $1149 FT-901DM  160M-10M Digital Transceiver (WARC)                                     $1299 $1459 FL-2100B  Linear Amplifier 80M-10M                         $339              $399  $479 FL-2100F  Linear Amplifier 80M-10M                                                       $399* FL-2100Z  Linear Amplifier 160M-10M                                                $399* FV-101B   Remote VFO                                        $99              $109  $135  $116 SP-101    Speaker-Only                                      $19               $22   $25         $22* SP-101PB  Speaker with Telephone Patch                      $59               $59   $67   $57 FTV-650   6 Meter Transverter                              $149              $199  $235 FTV-250   ii Meter Transverter                                                $199  $275        $225* YC-601    Digital Brandish (Yaesu)                                            $169  $199  $205 YO-100    Station Monitor Scope (Tube Model)                                 $199  $233  $240 YO-101    Station Monitor Scope (Solid State)                                      $320        $199* FR-101    Analog Receiver 160M-2M                                            $489     FR-101    Digital Receiver 160M-2M                                           $599  $599  $549 FR-101S   Analog Receiver 160M-2M                                                  $599  $449  $349* FR-101SD  Digital Receiver 160M-2M                                                 $749 FL-101    160M-10M Transmitter                                               $525  $575  $499  $399* YP-150    Dummy Load - Watt Meter                                                   $86   $78   $79* RFP-101   Speech Processor                                                    $79   $79 YD-844    Base of operations Station Microphone                           $29               $29   $29 YD-846    Mitt Microphone                                                     $16   $sixteen QTR-24    World Clock                                                         $thirty   $35         $29* FA-ix      Fan                                               $19               $xv   $20 MMB-1     Mobile Mountain for FT Serial                        $19               $19   $23 XF-30C    CW Filter 500 Hz                                  $45               $xl   $xl XF-30B    AM Filter 6kHz                                                            $forty DC-1      DC Converter for EX Models                                          $45   $fifty Crystals  Any FT-101 Crystal 160M-10M                        $v                $5    $5 DD-one      Digital Display (Spectronics Model)              $169              $169  * - Indicates Advertisers offering "close-out" prices to reduce stock.          

6JS6C Tubes

The 6JS6C tube is a TV Deflection Tube, or "Sweep Tube". Although non meant for transmitting, it exhibits sufficient performance for RF operation through thirty MHz. Each tube can dissipate xxx watts of plate power. The base is a 12-pivot socket.
6JS6C Diagram

Full 6JS6C Specification Sheet

In that location will come a time when the finals in your FT101E will need replacing. The FT-101 transceivers were originally equipped with 6JS6C tubes manufactured by NEC and Toshiba. Other manufacturers tube backdrop are slightly dissimilar from the original 6JS6C tubes. Therefore, a simple modification to the neutralization excursion must be made to the concluding section of the transceiver. The modification consists of replacing the fixed value 100 pf grand VDC mica capacitor with a ten pf 1000 VDC mica capacitor. This capacitor, C125, is in serial with the x pf variable neutralizing capacitor off of the plate circuit.

Schematic of FT-101 Power Amplifier Circuit

If this modification has not already been completed on your rig, be sure to utilize a mica or silver mica of at least 1000 VDC. Do not substitute a different type because the rut in the last compartment will change the value, and your tubes will fail prematurely. Also, be very careful to go along all leads brusk and in exactly the same orientation equally the original capacitor.

Before re-neutralizing, open the variable neutralizing capacitor all the fashion to minimum engagement and follow the neutralizing instructions in the manual. While dipping the PLATE, remember to adapt the neutralizing capacitor for equal value meter reading "dips" (Ic meter position) on both sides of the peak when tuning the PLATE control. Warning! You are tuning a capacitor in the High Voltage compartment, +600 Volts are nowadays! Always use not-metal tuning tools. After neutralization, reset the bias to 60ma with CARRIER and MIC settings at minimum.

QST / 73 / CQ Mag Articles

QST- The following performance information is provided by the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and their publication QST. A full copy of this table was plant on the Technical Data Service department on the ARRL spider web page. The tabular array depicted over 60 radios and their performance data. I accept shown only the Yaesu radios from the 1970's that apply to this spider web page.

            QST Reviews of Amateur HF Transceivers              QST   |         Xmtr         |          Rcvr      Rig     Review| Damage.   Spurs   IMD  |  Min Sig BlkRng  IMD DR  3rdO Icpt              Issue | dBpep   dBpep   dBpep|  dBm     dB      dB      dBm      -------------------------------------------------------------------------      Yaesu:      FT-101B 02/74      FT-101E 09/76                   -34     -141    108     81      FT-101Z 12/79   -45             -38     -139    112     78      -22      FT-301  ten/77   -55     -68     -forty     -133    100     75      FT-901  xi/78   -46     -57     -38     -137    114     85          

Introduction of the original FT-101, QST Jan 1971: Folio 147. This is the very outset time we run into the FT-101!
QST Review: FT-101B, Sep 1974: Page 46, Page 47, Page 48. A complete three-page QST review of the B-model.
QST Review: FT-101E, Feb 1976: Page 38. A 1-page QST update on the E-model.

Misc Station Photos: Nice Station #1, Prissy Station #2, Dainty Station #three, Dainty Station #4, Nice Station #5, Nice Station #6

Quick Tune-up Procedures

If you take always purchased a FT-101 transceiver without the Instruction Manual, you know information technology can be very intimidating to operate until you perform the tune-up process a time or two. Without 'tuning up' your transmitted and received signals really suffer AND could really harm the tubes in the ability amplifier. I always advise that you download the Instruction Manual for any FT-101 radio or accessory y'all own. Even older radios have web pages that can provide you copies at very reasonable rates. An Instruction Manual was made for each and every FT-101 radio and accompaniment. These are gratis across the Internet. Even the FT-101 Service Transmission is available (32MB PDF). Encounter the FT-101 Repair Facilities section on this page for the link. No excuses!

The FT-101 serial is a very mechanical radio. The size, selection, and operation of this rig allow for very high-Q excursion tuning. Information technology is a very strong signal with the FT-101 series. Equally with whatsoever high-Q circuit, it must be continuously tuned for maximum efficiency. In one case learned, information technology takes merely a few seconds to perform. You should re-tune anytime yous change bands, change antennas, or motion a meaning distance (in frequency) from where you last tuned upwards. This may be as large equally 200 kHz on the x meter ring (ten-fifteen turns of the VFO dial) or as piddling as 15 kHz on the 160 meter band (1 turn of the VFO dial).

Before you begin, you lot should let the rig to warm up (with the heaters on) for at least 15 minutes. This allows the rig to go frequency and temperature stable. Put the Meter switch into the 'IC' position with the CARRIER and MIC control fully counter-clockwise. Throw the MOX switch to engage the transmitter and read the meter that is at present displaying the idling electric current. The electric current should read 60ma on the scale. If information technology does not, adjust the BIAS command until 60ma is obtained. Move the Meter switch to ALC and ensure a full meter deflection to the right. Conform the ALC control as needed. Return the MOX switch to normal PTT.

Please remember to melody-upward into a well-matched antenna system or dummy load representing a 50 Ohm load. Keep all tune-up steps to under x seconds of transmitting to forestall impairment to the Power Amplifier tubes! Later each 10 second manual, allow the tubes to cool for ten seconds. And so echo. Do not exceed this fifty% duty cycle. The tubes tin only dissipate 30 watts each! You can put heat into the tubes faster than they can dissipate that heat!

The earlier FT-101 manuals used a tune-up procedure which 'peaked' the output (PO) while 'dipping' the grid (Ic) electric current. By the FT-101F series, the procedure was merely a 'peaking' (PO) process every bit depicted in the Pedagogy Manual. With a picayune practice, you will be able to perform these procedures within 10 seconds. Really!

    Tune-Up Procedure for SSB, CW, and AM:
  • After a xv minute warm-upward, and Idle Current confirmed at 60 ma:
  • Select the ring and general operating frequency to be used.
  • Place the Meter switch in the Ability Out (PO) position.
  • Rotate the PRESELECTOR for maximum receiver racket/indicate output.
  • Identify the CARRIER control to position 4 and MIC command to minimum.
  • Momentarily engage the MOX or PTT transmitter command for a maximum of 10 seconds.
  • Adjust the PRESELECTOR, Melody, and PLATE controls for maximum meter deflection.
  • Disengage the MOX or PTT transmitter control and allow the rig cool for 10 seconds.
  • Increase the CARRIER command two units and echo.
  • Note: If using AM, peak the CARRIER for 30 watts maximum, and then increment the LOAD control one unit. The PO meter volition deflect slightly on voice peaks.

Adjust CARRIER, MIC, and PROCESS controls for the proper output as desired. Monitor the Meter for grid current (Ic) and ALC levels (ALC) to ensure that you are non over-driving the transmitter. Both will greatly shorten tube life, cause distorted transmitted audio, and is the prime source of television interference (TVI).

AM Operation

One of the most misunderstood and mistuned modes available on the FT-101 transceivers is the AM (Amplitude Modulation) transmitter. (2d only to the RF Speech Processor!) The FT-101 has i of the best on-air signals for AM that you may e'er notice in a stock radio. It is also ane of the easiest to brand a mistake. The virtually mutual mistake is measuring AM ability the aforementioned way that you measure SSB or CW signals using a watt meter. AM is very unlike.

The most common error is running also much carrier power in AM mode. The FT-101 can only evangelize 30-xl watts of AM carrier in linear service. The reason for this is that an AM indicate contains a steady carrier and two sidebands that contain your audio. The amount of RF power in this modulated AM "envelope" is really 4-times the carrier. This means that a modulated AM signal with a 30-watt carrier is really transmitting 120 watts of power. This is the amount of power needed from the power supply to transmit this signal. It is also budgeted its absolute power limit. The same is true with the matching FL-2100B amplifier. A 300-watt carrier contains 1200 watts of RF power when fully modulated. There is nothing worse than "cooking" a FT-101 by running AM with a 100 watt carrier. The ability supply, tubes, and amplifier components cannot evangelize 400 watts of power, are run continuously beyond their maximum rating, and for long periods of time. Beware when purchasing 1 of these 11 meter 'cooked' radios!

Alignment Points and Procedures

As y'all know past at present, the FT-101 serial of radios are very mechanical. From time to fourth dimension, they will require basic alignment and scale. The Yaesu manufactory knew this and made many of the adjustment points directly accessible nether the peak embrace. Personally, I let the FT-101 warm-up for 2-hours with the heaters on and covers on and then that the unit of measurement becomes temperature and frequency stable. Never try to align or calibrate a cold rig.
The FT-101 Service Manual has the well-nigh complete description of alignment and calibration information for the FT-101 serial. The Service Manual covers all of the models from the original FT-101 thru the FT-101E. Chapter seven depicts the entire process. There are a few things to think near the FT-101 radios: 1) They are xl years onetime. 2) They are analog radios. iii) They do require alignment from fourth dimension to time. 4) Parts may be hard or impossible to find. five) It is a radio without equal!

Be very cautions of cleaners and solvents on this rig. Tuner Cleaner can be used on mechanical switches. Potentiometer Cleaner on all variable resistors. Use Compressed Air on coils and variable capacitors. Whetting these parts and moving them back and forth may actually dissolve that material which provide the resistive part. Residuum oils may actually attract more dirt and dust over time. Solvents should NEVER be used!

In that location are a few terms you demand to know almost, how to correctly utilize, and use them. Please annotation that there are many WRONG descriptions on the internet including videos on YouTube. Follow them (with respect to the FT-101) and you are going downwards the path to mistakes and frustration. Let'south get started:

Goose egg Beat (#1) This is the term used when the absolute value of a single tone is adjusted to zero. This occurs when you hear the loftier-pitched FT-101's internal MARKER tone and you accommodate the VFO so that the tone goes lower and lower in frequency until it is no longer heard thru the speaker. Since the frequency you hear rolls off at 100Hz (you lot can no longer hear the tone), you go just a fraction more to account for the last 100Hz that you cannot hear. The goal is truly zero-Hz. This is how you adjust the VFO to the Marker when yous: Change Bands or Alter Modes (eg: USB to LSB, or from CW to USB, etc.). After you lot Zero Crush the VFO with the MARKER, you rotate the silver frequency wheel to align with the 25kHz or 100kHz multiple. This puts the FT-101's VFO on-frequency. The Mark is calibrated with WWV. It is your master frequency standard on all bands.

Zero Shell (#2) This is a term used when you lot conform two tones to be equal with each other. Information technology is like tuning a guitar. It is non finding the average betwixt two unmarried tones as you lot flip some switch back and forth. When you Zero Beat 2 simultaneous tones being emitted from the FT-101, you will somewhen hear the famous "wow wow wow" equally the ii tones "trounce" against each other. Equally the tones become closer together in frequency, they become duplicate to the human ear- and the wow-wow ceases. You have achieved the Zero Beat process. Here is an audio instance of the procedure. At the end of the audio prune (25-28 2d mark), the tone is steady. These are the tones y'all volition hear when setting the 10 MHz MARKER used to provide the 100 kHz and 25 kHz Markers. Yous will Naught Shell the WWV radio indicate with the FT-101'due south MARKER. This will provide an accurate internal frequency reference. The goal is to mimic the highly authentic over-the-air 10MHz radio frequency emission from WWV in Colorado. Arrange the MARKER trimmer capacitor with a non-metallic tuning tool. This trimmer capacitor is labeled "MARKER TC1" on the FT-101 Top Chassis Photo.

WWV The radio station WWV plays a vital role with the FT-101 series radios. WWV transmits a highly accurate frequency carrier at exactly 10 Mhz. This signal is received by the FT-101 radio tuned to the WWV Band segment and is ultimately used to zero-shell with the internal MARKER frequency to derive accurate frequency scale. Since WWV transmits similar any other radio station, it will not exist heard all the time. It may accept several attempts to go a strong S7 on the FT-101's meter to perform accurate MARKER calibration. Be patient. This is typical of radio signals in the 30 Meter band, your distance from Ft Collins Colorado, fourth dimension of twenty-four hour period, solar activity, and the effectiveness of your antenna.

Shipping your Yaesu Radio and Components

Background: Equally a buyer or seller, you need to know the fair market value of shipping and then that yous can finalize the verbal cost of whatever bargain. There should be no surprises as you manus over the box to exist shipped, and no surprises when the box gets opened. The following data will allow for accurate shipping costs, bold you have weighed the bundle carefully, for delivery anywhere in the United States or overseas.

Sizes and Weights: The sizes and weights for each slice of Yaesu equipment is listed in a higher place. None of the Yaesu transceivers or accessories exceed the size and weight limits imposed by any of the major common carriers such as: UPS/FedEX/USPS. Shipping should be a very straightforward process, and with a footling planning, your package should get in in the same condition as it was shipped.

Estimating Concluding Weight: Have the fact that aircraft will add 20%-25% to the bodily weight of any unit of measurement. Yep, a thirty pound FT-101E transceiver with manual and ability cords volition actually counterbalance 38 pounds ready to transport. A two pound YD-844 microphone will weigh 3-iv pounds if packed properly. The heaviest in the serial, the FL-2100 amplifier (41 lb.) will tip the scales at 52 pounds at the counter! Don't underestimate the weight of shipping!

Packing Considerations: Think that y'all are responsible for ensuring that the equipment is packed properly and safely for its journey. The longer the trip the amend it must exist packed, especially overseas. NEVER use paper for whatsoever of packing material. It is not resilient to compression, information technology holds moisture, and volition go out ink on painted and plastic surfaces. When possible, use the original Yaesu packing box and materials. Prior to aircraft whatsoever unit, remove all AC cords, microphones, accompaniment plugs, and the brass spinner on the main VFO dial. Do not use tape on any plastic or painted surface. Ensure that all covers are on tight. Put the unit in a plastic handbag (as a moisture and grit barrier), and then wrap in bubble wrap. Select a box which allows at least 2" on each side to survive a difficult "knock" while in transit. Place enough fill up to cover ii" in the bottom of the box. Insert the unit and fill completely with packing to the acme.

FT-101 Repair Facilities

Since FT-101 parts are very hard to find, please ask the repair facility how they obtain parts. If they but telephone call the Yaesu mill, yous are sending your FT-101 to the wrong place. Please deal with repair facilities that specialize in FT-101s, which means in some cases, they must use 'parts rigs' to find that difficult to go part. Basic capacitors, resistors, and transistors are not a problem. Simply, there are times where a substitute is not available. You lot volition be glad that your rig is being repaired by a "FT-101 set up" facility.

The Complete FT-101 Service Manual

List of FT-101 repair facilities:

  • The FT-101 Repair Shop     - Open -Nothing but FT-101s Repaired here!
  • Certified Electronics            - CLOSED - "WE ARE Closed INDEFINITELY Not Sure WHEN OR IF WE WILL Be OPENING Again."
  • Sandhills Technical Service - Closed - No website constitute: 404 ERROR

FT-101 Transceiver

More information to soon follow...

| FT-101 AC Power Transformer Connexion Diagram | AC and DC Power Connection and Pivot-out Diagram |

Credits and Source References

This web folio was created back in late 1997 and posted in January 1998. Back then, web access was thru a fourteen.4k or 28.8k dial-up modem. The goal was to create a spider web page that was bandwidth friendly and basic in layout- even for a 14.4k modem. At that time, there were spider web pages that would browse your web page and offer reduced image resolution and a reduced color pallet (Website Garage). It was a very effective way to reduce bandwidth demands and still become your message out. As a point of reference, the image below is larger in size than all of the text and formatting of this folio combined!

Special thank you to the MIT Radio Club W1MX for the utilise of their extensive technical library. They had every radio publication ever produced for the by threescore+ years. Looking back 40+ years is never easy!

73, for now.

Al, NW2M

Or transport email to: NW2M at QSL dot Cyberspace

Since 1/ane/98

Terminal Update: vi/three/2017 AOR

What Ssb Filter Is For Sub Side Of Ft-101d?,


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