Gardens On Big Ideas Small Spaces

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May 29, 2017 Gina rated it really liked it
I received this book as a First Read. I appreciated all of the color photos. The book does a good job of explaining the factors that make gardening in small spaces different from typical gardening (microclimates, wind, shade, water, access, weight, privacy, pollution. It also covers the different places you might grow a garden in a small space: container, raised bed, wall, windowsill, rooftop, balcony, basement patio, side yard. There are projects for the different kinds of planting: vertical, h I received this book as a First Read. I appreciated all of the color photos. The book does a good job of explaining the factors that make gardening in small spaces different from typical gardening (microclimates, wind, shade, water, access, weight, privacy, pollution. It also covers the different places you might grow a garden in a small space: container, raised bed, wall, windowsill, rooftop, balcony, basement patio, side yard. There are projects for the different kinds of planting: vertical, hanging, pots/planters, windowbox, raised bed. The book has tips on what supplies you'll need as well as how to design the plants and addresses common problems and solutions. Tips on how to address drainage, weight, and safety issues are provided. Each project lists the supplies needed, ideas on what to plant, and has step by step instructions with a photo for each instruction making the projects foolproof. A great gardening book for people who live in apartments, condos, or other small spaces or even those with houses who want to liven up smaller spaces around the house. ...more

Aug 30, 2019 Monica rated it really liked it
Totally useful with ideas that also require some carpentry skills, but all of their ideas can also be taken down a notch & done with containers you buy. I have about ten empty pots of varying sizes & this book guided me on selection, planting, care, & design. Great for city dweller or anyone who wants to spruce up their outdoor space. Get great ideas for window ledges as well as best low maintenance plants that also attract pollinators.

There were a lot of great ideas here which I will probably want to refer to in the future. Some of the interesting projects were pond in a pot, unusual pots and planters, and slatted and hanging chain screens. There was also a lot of good advice about how to grow plants in small spaces that was presented in a basic and clear format.

Jun 24, 2021 Kelly Howard rated it really liked it
This has been super helpful for me to gain confidence I could grow a garden. They really give lots of advice for any type of small space. The only thing I didn't like, and this is a personal problem, is that I thought the projects were boring. Very very inspirational and easy to understand book.

Really good. Step by step instructions for building some really interesting projects. Some have multiple planting suggestions for different looks. Lots of both theory and practice.

Feb 01, 2020 Sharon rated it really liked it
The book includes directions for making planters, windowboxes, pocketplanters, and other projects to turn small spaces into a garden.
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Gardens On Big Ideas Small Spaces
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